Eccles Apiaries
Located in Dromore, ON
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Eccles Apiaries History
Eccles Apiaries started with only a couple colonies in 2005 as a small side project on the family’s dairy farm in Dromore Ontario. Like many who find beekeeping, it quickly took hold and the passion grew into a small business, then to a full-time contributor to the farm. Today we specialize in queen production and bee sales, with a craft honey and bee products business as a result of having healthy bees in a great production area in Grey County.
Our business supports the advancement of beekeeping in Agriculture, supports and takes part in innovative research projects that are focused on improving honey bee health and Best Management Strategies.
Our BeeKeepers
Leslie Eccles
Owner / Beekeeper
Raquel Mijares González
Owner / Beekeeper
Esther Uribe Ortega